LBS Broadcast Selling Expert, Paul Weyland, takes LIVE questions from broadcasters! In this session:

  • Our company, along with numerous radio stations across the board, are having difficulty selling sports this year. Do you think the current economy is a factor? How would you sell sports?
  • How would you pitch a church to get on a Christian radio station?
  • How would you sell to a dog training company?
  • I am currently filling in for the main sales person for our radio station who has done it for 30 years and am new to sales, but doing my best to learn the ropes. I work for a smaller radio station nestled between small towns and am trying to sell events to surrounding businesses and sponsors. Unfortunately a lot of businesses are retiring, shutting down due to not enough business or other reasons and are saying no to business with us. Because of this, I’m not making enough sales. Any ideas to work through these situations?
  • How would you promote a hiring campaign for a windmill company?