Chris Fleming, President of CD Media Consulting, takes LIVE broadcaster questions! In this session:
- What do you find keeps many salespeople from sales excellence?
- Is excellence achievable by everyone or just a few?
- When is it ok to bypass an agency and just go directly to the client?
- When it comes to hiring, what do you really look and listen for when trying to find someone who will fit your culture?
- Is sales an easy way to make money or is it hard work?
- How do you stay self-motivated when sometimes you don’t feel you get that from your work culture or clients?
- When do you know that it is a good time to drop a client? New customers are so hard to get anymore and I don’t know if my manager will be happy with me making that decision.
- My station offers SO MANY different options from on-air to digital to social media to events and the list goes on. I like your suggestion to make things simple for the advertiser, but how do you decide which products are the best match for them?
- Do you think it’s possible to take someone who is not serious about solving a business problem and lead them into becoming serious about it?
- As a manager, what is the best way that you have found to lead your team into some of these habits? Would you tend to focus on them all at once or is it better to spread out these disciplines over time?
- How do you help prospects who won’t make a decision get to “yes”? It can take a really long time. How much time is too much time?
- I have just started in sales. Any advice for someone who is very new to this industry?
- Could you share your thoughts on what your favorite CRM is?
- Our station is smaller and family owned. I am the Assistant General Manager and a veteran seller. It’s very tough to do both, but I think I’m pretty good at time management which helps. What is something you would recommend to help me become more excellent?
- Referring to your client contact recommendation of 10-15 touches per 30 day period. What is your routine for those 10-15 touches adding value to the client and not offending them?