Session 214: Superior Customer Service – Part 1

Superior customer service is no longer a nice thing to offer, it is now an absolute must in the local advertising marketplace! Gary Moore gives us great strategies for providing it to your advertisers. Click here to download the...

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Session 213: Listening Skills – Part 2

This session focuses on how to listen to your customer once you’ve uncovered sales opportunities through your meaningful questions. Click here to download the handouts for this session (same handouts as Session 212) Click...

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Session 212: Listening Skills – Part 1

This session focuses on how to listen to your customer once you’ve uncovered sales opportunities through your meaningful questions. Click here to download the handouts for this session Click here to download the slides for...

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Session 211: Questioning Skills

This session focuses on the topic of how to ask meaningful questions that help you to uncover sales opportunities. Click here to download the handouts for this session Click here to download the slides for this...

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Session 209: SPIN Selling – Part 1

Gary Moore begins this series on SPIN Selling with a focus on how you can use it to make more sales. Click here to download the handouts for this session Click here to download the slides for this session

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Session 207: Selling Against Cable – Part 1

Learn the strengths and weaknesses of cable advertising and how you can position your station most effectively against it! Click here to download the handouts for this session Click here to download the slides for this...

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Session 205: Selling Against Radio – Part 2

Learn the strengths and weaknesses of local radio stations and how you can position your station most effectively against them! Click here to download the handouts for this session Click here to download the slides for this...

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Session 206: Selling Against Outdoor

Learn the strengths and weaknesses of the local outdoor ad options and how you can position your station most effectively against them! Click here to download the handouts for this session Click here to download the slides for...

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