Political Advertising Q&A – Part 1

LBS Broadcast Expert, Mark Levy, takes LIVE broadcaster questions!  In this session:

  • Our station does not have an attorney for answering political questions.  Who can I contact or what website can I go to with these?
  • Do you have a strategy for getting those last-minute dollars that were not in the budget as we approach election day?
  • How can I build on my personal brand and become THE election advertising expert in my market?
  • Who is the best person to contact for the various advocacy ads?
  • How does direct response affect the lowest unit rate for a candidate?

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Q&A with a Mobile and OTT Expert – Part 2

Mark Landon, LBS Digital Expert, takes LIVE broadcaster questions!

  • How can I keep a client’s traditional budget at the same levels AND bring in more digital revenue?
  • Are OTT ads actual insertions into the programming or is it strictly pre-roll and post-roll?
  • Once we capture a device’s ID and start showing ads on someone’s FaceBook, does that continue if they get a new phone or do we have to start over with them?

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Q&A with a Mobile and OTT Expert – Part 1

Mark Landon, LBS Digital Expert, takes LIVE broadcaster questions!

  • How can advertisers avoid being labelled as “creepy” when reaching their audience through their device ID number?
  • Our station believes that we make more money through traditional broadcast – doesn’t digital have a lower profit margin?
  • How can radio sell to match a listener’s entire daily journey?
  • Do you recommend that TV stations also sell OTT to build a strong revenue stream in the future?

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