Exceed Your Annual Sales Goals and Close Long-Term Business Now! – Part 6 – Q&A

Chris Fleming, President of CD Media Consulting, takes LIVE broadcaster questions.  In this session:

  • What would you say to a seller that says, “My sales goals are set too high”?
  • What would you say to a manager who says, “My sellers spend too much time complaining about what their goal is each month instead of going out and make a difference”?
  • What does a customer look like who is treading water?

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How to Get More From Your Current Customers – Part 6 – Q&A

Chris Fleming, President of CD Media Consulting, takes LIVE broadcaster questions! In this session:

  • Can you repeat the gross margin formula and how to present that to a client?
  • How do you deal with an agency who is only interested in low price? What can we say to move from price to value?
  • How do you respond if an agency says that creative is the agency’s place, you just focus on the best price?
  • How do I take a client from living in the MOM category to a higher level when they are only comfortable with limited spending?
  • Can you repeat name of the book and author you mentioned in your presentation?
  • What is your best advice for dealing with objections due to uncertainty during recessions?
  • How would you handle a situation where a client says that “I have increased my marketing –  billboards, tv etc., and I do not want to increase my radio budget”.

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How to Get More From Your Current Customers – Part 7 – Q&A

Chris Fleming, President of CD Media Consulting, takes LIVE broadcaster questions! In this session:

  • Do you have any information on ROI calculations? What are your thoughts on having this conversation with a client?
  • Can you go over the failure triangle again?
  • When you had multiple radio stations, did you hold sales people accountable for selling all radio stations evenly or did you let them chose the radio stations they sold?
  • What categories are the best ad targets?

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