Mastering the Entire Appointment Setting Process – Part 6 – Q&A

Paul Weyland takes LIVE broadcaster questions! In this session:

  • How would you get the attention of a local landscaping company that mostly focuses on lawn mowing?
  • What steps do you take to come up with effective headlines for a prospect and then make sure that you can deliver on them?
  • A local furniture store owner in my medium-sized market will not meet with me and is really rude about it. He even told me to get out of his store once! I know that my station can get him more customers. Do you have any ideas for headlines for a furniture store that I can try to get his attention?

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Weyland Wednesdays – Q&A – Part 15

LBS Broadcast Selling Expert, Paul Weyland, takes LIVE broadcaster questions!  In this session:

  • Any ideas for marketing sanitary services (port a potty)?
  • What about landscaping businesses?
  • We are an independent, locally owned group. Another group in our market has been undermining our spot rates by giving out $1 radio ads. We cannot compete with these low rates and every time we pitch a great campaign to a prospect who uses the competing group, rate and investment is always an objection. How do we overcome the rate objection and help our clients see the value with us when they are getting daily exposure for only $100 a month with our competitors?

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Making Your Mark in a Recovering Economy – Part 10 – Q&A

Paul Weyland takes LIVE broadcaster questions! In this session:

  • How can I get landscapers and excavating companies to call back--when they are busy doing their jobs from 6 a.m. till dark?
  • How often should you update a client’s ad?
  • What do you recommend for carpet cleaning companies since people don't want them in their homes right now?
  • What would you say from the heart to your sales team and staff about covid19?

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Broadcast Sellers Can Be Sales Leaders During an Unsettled Economy – Part 9 Q&A

LBS Broadcast Selling Expert, Mark Levy takes LIVE broadcaster questions!  In this session:

  • In today's environment, should we offer a free month to a good client that we don't want to see leave?
  • Can you explain why the Bar Association is a good target?
  • What kinds of compelling messages need to be promoted by gardening businesses and landscapers?

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