Mastering the Entire Appointment Setting Process – Part 9 – Q&A

Paul Weyland takes LIVE broadcaster questions! In this session:

  • Our radio station does not have a dentist on the air. We are planning to pitch a few. What should an initial plan to dominate the category look like in terms of schedule and frequency, etc.?
  • Do you think it’s better to call on the phone or just drop in to try to schedule an appointment?
  • How do you use headlines to reach prospects through email?
  • Would you use your headline in the subject line of the email or the opening statement?

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Mastering the Entire Appointment Setting Process – Part 6 – Q&A

Paul Weyland takes LIVE broadcaster questions! In this session:

  • How would you get the attention of a local landscaping company that mostly focuses on lawn mowing?
  • What steps do you take to come up with effective headlines for a prospect and then make sure that you can deliver on them?
  • A local furniture store owner in my medium-sized market will not meet with me and is really rude about it. He even told me to get out of his store once! I know that my station can get him more customers. Do you have any ideas for headlines for a furniture store that I can try to get his attention?

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