Q&A with a Customer Service Expert – Part 2

LBS President, Gary Moore answers LIVE broadcaster questions! In this session:

  • How often should you follow up with a prospective client?
  • What if your station owner or manager has bad blood with the person you are trying to sell to?
  • I have prospects who say “radio is dead”. I can’t sell them, so how can I give them excellent customer service when they won’t even give me the chance?

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Q&A with a Creative and Marketing Expert – Part 3

Tim Burt takes LIVE broadcaster questions! In this segment:

  • Can I copyright creative spots?  It’s frustrating to provide ideas to clients and see them appear on other stations and not ours.
  • What do you think of prices in automotive spots that require lengthy disclaimers?
  • I’m not very creative, but I can sell.  How do I develop my creative skills even though it’s not natural for me?
  • How do you compete in an oversaturated radio market?

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Q&A on Closing Your Most Difficult Sales – Part 3

Mike Cheney, expert in the art of understanding people, answers LIVE broadcaster questions! In this session:

  • I have an Amiable client who won’t make a decision without checking with others in her organization.  Any suggestion on how I can close this kind of client more often?
  • I work with a team of advertising sales people at a university.  What kinds of suggestions do you have for teaching them to become responsible sales people for clients, especially as it relates to rapport?
  • How do you handle a client who has someone else talk to you after a meeting?  Maybe a Dominant at first, but now an Amiable.

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Q&A with a Creative and Marketing Expert – Part 2

Tim Burt takes LIVE broadcaster questions! In this segment:

  • Should our creative theme be consistent between our broadcast and digital messages?
  • How do you handle the client website that has unusual spelling where their name isn’t spelled the way it sounds?
  • Why does it seem like so many award-winning ads don’t produce great results?
  • How do I provide my ad agency clients with creative for an advertiser without the agency thinking that I’m doing their job?
  • When a client is using a variety of advertising media, can you recommend anything that shows the impact that radio specifically has?

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Q&A with a Creative and Marketing Expert – Part 1

Tim Burt takes LIVE broadcaster questions! In this segment:

  • How can we use clutter to our advantage when a client says “there are too many ads out there”?
  • What’s the best way to send people to a client’s Facebook page?  Should they just look them up on FaceBook?
  • What do you do with a client who thinks they should be in every spot, but they really aren’t that good at it?
  • How many ideas should I provide to a client at one time?  Can too many options get in the way of a sale?
  • What do you suggest when a client wants to write their own spot but they don’t take suggestions for change very well?

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