First, the messaging most local insurance companies and banks want to focus on right now is that they are LOCAL and have deep roots in your community. Keeping that in mind, here are some digital advertising opportunities that focus on the services and relationships local insurance companies and banks offer:

Webinars are a great way to educate people about complex financial and insurance services. Here are some examples:
Flood insurance webinar
Car insurance 101 webinar


Featuring interactive financial and insurance calculators (your client might even have one already!) on your website or in your clients’ online display ads gets consumers more engaged with your clients’ messages. Here are some examples:

Life insurance calculator
Car insurance calculator
Retirement calculator

Here are 10 free online quiz tools to create your own quiz for your website.


Promoting surveys, so your client can better understand the financial and insurance needs and concerns of consumers in your local community. This approach will also help you gather qualified leads for your clients.

Consider a small prize to entice people to take the survey.

The survey might even been a simple as featuring three questions in a display ad.

You can build a survey using Require an email address before someone takes the survey to capture that information and email address to provide to your client.