Looking for a creative promotional idea to pitch an eye care store? Try one of these!
1. Donation Center for Old Frames

Team up with your local Lions Club to turn an eye care store into a donation center for old glasses. Promote a special goal on air to collect 500 pairs of old glasses. The store might even offer $25 off a new pair of frames for each pair of eye glasses donated. What better way to drive foot traffic into an eye glass store AND for a good cause!

2. Back to School Specials

Many kids discover they have trouble seeing when they go back to school because have trouble reading or seeing from the back of the classroom. Work with your client to develop a series of special offers targeting kids and their parents during the Back to School season. Check out this TV commercial for ideas.

3. Ugly Eyeglasses Contest

Have some fun by running an ugly glasses contest and remind people why it might be time to trade in their old frames for a new pair of glasses. Winner gets a gift certificate for a new pair of glasses. Check out KJO 105.5’s Ugly Eyeglasses Contest.