Q&A on Closing Your Most Difficult Sales – Part 2

Mike Cheney, expert in the art of understanding people, answers LIVE broadcaster questions! In this session:

  • How can I do a better job of knowing my customer’s personality style and then adjusting my behavior to comfortably close sales?
  • Is there a certain time frame when talking with a prospective client that you should stay away from?  In other words, how long is too long?
  • At our station we constantly repeat the phrase, “always be closing”.  Does that philosophy work with all four personality styles?
  • How do you stay on track with the Expressives that want to talk about everything in their life?
  • I am now second-guessing my philosophy of “selling to others the way I like to be sold to”.  You are saying something a bit different, aren’t you?

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Do You Know Where YOUR Dollars Are? Q&A – Part 1

Mark Levy answers LIVE broadcaster questions! In this segment:

  • What are some tools I can use to figure out how much a client will spend the first time they advertise?
  • How do I get a client to use a campaign that does not include them personally in the spots?
  • How do I communicate the value of change to my stellar staff that doesn’t see the value of it in the context of moving from selling sponsorships to long-term selling?

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Q&A on Closing Your Most Difficult Sales – Part 1

Mike Cheney, expert in the art of understanding people, answers LIVE broadcaster questions! In this session:

  • Why is it so hard for me to get a few minutes with my Dominant auto dealers?
  • My manager doesn’t like me to stop and see a client without a purpose, but you say that Expressive clients like you to stop in to say “hi”. Why is that?”
  • How do you recover if you identify a client’s communication pattern incorrectly?
  • Is it a good idea to categorize my clients based on their communication pattern?
  • I find it hard to deal with Analytical prospects. Do they REALLY need all the information they ask for?

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Q&A with An Experienced Broadcast Psychologist – Part 1

Kelly Orchard takes live broadcaster questions! In this session:

  • How can I address the fear that some advertisers have in switching from another media to our station?
  • Is there value in giving myself a pep talk before I meet with a client or prospect?  What does that pep talk look like?
  • What are different coaching techniques for those on straight commission vs. hourly/salary compensation?
  • As a sales manager, how do I help keep the sales team thinking positively?

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Relationship Selling Q&A – Part 3

Paul Weyland takes LIVE questions from broadcasters!  In this segment:

  • If a potential client is loyal to another station, but that station isn’t working out for them, what can I do to convert them to mine?
  • How do you talk to a person who is on another station and they won’t add my station because the other one is getting them results?
  • How do you get a client to close who has been putting it off for months?
  • Our station’s ratings are not very good.  How do I position myself as a marketing expert to my customers despite our low numbers?

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Digital Ad Opportunities Q&A – Part 3

Jeff Knauss answers LIVE broadcaster questions! In this segment:

  • What steps should a broadcast group take to expand its digital offerings beyond static banner ads and is there a danger in only offering that type of online ad?
  • What is the best method to use to measure cross-platform campaign effectiveness?
  • What is an average management fee or commission on digital solutions in a competitive digital market?
  • Are there third-party companies you would recommend to run digital on behalf of broadcasters or do you believe this is better done in-house?

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Digital Ad Opportunities Q&A – Part 2

Jeff Knauss answers LIVE broadcaster questions! In this segment:

  • What are some good ways to combine radio advertising and digital marketing?
  • As a sales manager, should I hire digital experts to sell digital and leave my existing team to focus on traditional?
  • Are broadcast-driven digital sweepstakes effective in building client awareness and interaction or are consumers weary of these sorts of promotions?

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Digital Ad Opportunities Q&A – Part 1

Jeff Knauss answers LIVE broadcaster questions! In this segment:

  • What are some ways to increase off-page optimization in SEO?
  • What are the best resources to use to learn more about digital marketing?
  • Since FaceBook is so cost-effective, how do you compete against them?
  • Can you expand on why you feel geofencing is being overused and give us better practices to utilize it correctly?

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Relationship Selling Q&A – Part 2

Paul Weyland takes LIVE questions from broadcasters!  In this segment:

  • For someone who is new to radio sales, how do you start off a conversation with clients?
  • How do you get a car dealer to call you back when they think they don’t need to?
  • I went from commercial radio to publicly-supported radio – do you have suggestions for making the transition and building relationships in this context?
  • Have you found it more difficult to make face-to-face appointments in our connected world?  How do you overcome their objection to “just email me”?

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